Brian McClellan

 Brian McClellan 's Books

A very well recieved series by Brian McClellan are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Uncanny Collateral, Blood of Empire, The Autumn Republic, Return to Honor, Siege of Tilpur, The Crimson Campaign, The Girl of Hrusch Avenue: A Powder Mage Short Story, The Mad Lancers: A Powder Mage Novella, Forsworn: A Powder Mage Short Story, Wrath of Empire, Hope's End: A Powder Mage Short Story, Servant of the Crown, Murder at the Kinnen Hotel, Promise of Blood tpm-1, War Cry, Beneath Ceaseless Skies #140, Ghosts of the Tristan Basin: A Powder Mage Novella, Powder Mage Trilogy 01 - Promise of Blood, In the Field Marshal's Shadow: Stories from the Powder Mage Universe, The Siege of Tilpur, Sins of Empire, The Face in the Window, which was published in 2022.